Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and Rideau Institute President Peggy Mason on Countering ISIS
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RSS feed for this sectionUpdate: Canada Election Watch 2015
And … the first leaders debate is complete! (Maclean’s National Leaders Debate 2015, Maclean’s, 6 August 2015) Click on the image below to view the full debate: Continue to visit our Canada Election Watch 2015 page and stay up-to-date with occurrences throughout, what has been coined as, ‘The longest Canadian election campaign’. Over at, we […]
On 70th Anniv of Hiroshima: A history of the atom bomb
On the 70th anniversary of the horrific atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagaski, how close are we to a world free of nuclear weapons? In a powerful story of the most destructive invention in human history, this groundbreaking PBS series details how America developed the nuclear bomb, how it changed the world and how […]
Islamic State: The short and the long of it
Al Jazeera and The Guardian provide insight into the Islamic State.
Peggy Mason on extension of the military mission in Iraq and Syria
Peggy Mason, President of the Rideau Institute, was interviewed on the extension and expansion of the Canadian military mission in Iraq and Syria on CTV News on Thursday, March 26th.
Harper sending troops to Iraq
What do you think? Should Canada send troops to Iraq? Leave a comment