Former Republican House and Senate staffer Mike Lofgren warns that fear of an Iranian “Islamic Bomb” may be pushing the U.S. towards war with Iran.
On the road to war with Iran?

Former Republican House and Senate staffer Mike Lofgren warns that fear of an Iranian “Islamic Bomb” may be pushing the U.S. towards war with Iran.
U.S. aerospace and defence magazine Aviation Week has succeeded in inventing the world’s most ridiculous justification for Britain’s “independent nuclear deterrent”–which is no easy feat given the quality of the entries in that particular competition over the years. According to AvWeek‘s Ares blog (“U.K. Trident Renewal: Maintaining West’s Nuclear Parity With China,” Ares, 19 May […]
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is visiting Vietnam to discuss how to respond to the actions of an “increasingly assertive China” in the region (Thom Shanker, “In Vietnam, Gates Faces Balancing Act With Assertive China,” New York Times, 10 October 2010): Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates landed on Sunday in Vietnam, where the narrative of […]