Tag Archives: Defence lobby

Oh – bring on the silly season!

July is here, and so all kinds of funny things appear in the news these days. Here’s an interesting bit of analysis from the Conference of Defence Associations in today’s Globe and Mail: Retired colonel Alain Pellerin of the Conference of Defence Associations said it’s tough to persuade poppy farmers in Kandahar – Taliban territory […]

The Conference of Defence Associations' secret contract with the Department of National Defence

National Defence watchers will no doubt be aware of today’s story in the Globe and Mail regarding the Conference of Defence Associations’ funding agreement with the Department of National Defence. For your background information, I am attaching a copy of that contract, which was tabled in the House this week. Download it here: p-39-cda-2008-05-131 (more…)

And how the "peace lobby" responds

In the last post I told you about Jack Granatstein’s defence lobby think tank sending around a poison-pen article about a report written by Bill Robinson and me for the CCPA on Canada’s military spending. Granatstin’s article elicited a flood of letters in response after it was published in the Edmonton Journal. The paper devoted space to five letters […]

How the defence lobby operates

Even wonder how the defence lobby is able to get so many articles in the newspapers? Well let me show you… Here is a copy of an email sent out to newspapers, journalists, and others from a conservative, pro-military think tank run out of the University of Calgary called the Canadian Council for Security in […]