Tag Archives: Nuclear disarmament

Happy nuke year?

The world’s nuclear arsenal has declined significantly from its Cold War peak, but the number of nuclear weapons still in existence remains absurdly high, as a recent overview produced by the Federation of American Scientists and the Natural Resources Defense Council shows. Worldwide deployments of nuclear weapons, 2009, published in the November/December 2009 issue of […]

ICNND urges nuclear disarmament progress

The International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament released its report “Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers” today. Declaring that “maintaining the status quo is not an option,” the commissioners argue that the opportunity exists “to halt, and reverse, the nuclear weapons tide once and for all.” International NGOs working on nuclear […]

The Renaissance of Nuclear Disarmament

In a his June 3 article for Embassy Anthony Salloum discusses what he terms “the renaissance of nuclear disarmament” that has been developing over the past few years, culminating with President Barack Obama’s April 5 speech in Prague in which he said, “So today, I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the […]