Afghanistan Postcard Campaign Moves into High Gear volunteers volunteers prepare to mail thousands of postcard packages

This week we moved our campaign to Stop Stephen Harper’s Secret War Plans into high gear.

We have launched our Afghanistan postcard campaign, and already the demand from supporters has far exceeded our supply of 5,000 postcards.

In July we invited supporters to help with the campaign to end Canada’s war in Afghanistan by distributing free 10-card campaign packs to neighbours, family and friends.

We were amazed that more than 650 people signed up to support the campaign and distribute the postcards – that’s more than three times what we expected.

Now we are preparing for a second print run of potentially 10,000 more cards!

I am confident that this campaign will be felt by the Conservative government. Based on our analysis, 49 per cent of our campaign supporters live in federal ridings currently held by the Conservatives. That means that most of our peace outreach is happening right in Stephen Harper’s
political base.

This week we mailed nearly 2,000 letters with campaign postcards to our strongest financial supporters. More campaign packs will follow.

If you received a letter from in the mail, or want to make a special gift, I hope that you will respond with a donation of whatever amount you can afford.

I will be sending you an update of the campaign in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your support,

Steven Staples,

P.S. Please let me know if you would like to help the campaign by ordering a 10-card campaign pack of postcards. If you have already made a gift recently, please accept our thanks.

Tags: Afghanistan,, Postcard campaign