Amazing Response

Members of our team sending letters to supporters this week.
Dear supporter,
Wow – we’ve had an amazing response to our appeal to the community.
A very generous supporter has offered to match every donation made by other supporters, dollar for dollar, until we reach our goal. That’s incredible!
We are trying to raise $25,000 to Help Stop Harper’s War Lobby before MPs return to Ottawa at the end of the summer.
This is the largest amount we have ever tried to raise in a single appeal. It’s a big challenge for us, but the stakes are very high for Canada.
Earlier this week, I told you how we will use your donations to raise awareness about Harper’s massive military buildup, which will cost a half-trillion dollars over the next twenty years (not a half-billion dollars, as I mistakenly wrote in the email – sorry for any confusion).
You can read Harper’s plan yourself, in his Canada First Defence Strategy on the Department of National Defence website.
If you missed my email this week, please watch your mailbox for a special letter from me, or read it on
In peace,
Steven Staples