Archive by Author

Afghanistan motion "a setback for Prime Minister Stephen Harper."

Parliament is set to debate a motion by the Liberals today saying that “Canada’s existing military deployment in Afghanistan will continue until February 2009, at which time Canadian combat operations in Southern Afghanistan will conclude; and call upon the government to notify NATO of this decision immediately.” The Liberal motion from Defence Critic Denis Coderre follows […]

NDP calls for Emergency Debate on Afghanistan

In light of the terrible events last week in Afghanistan that saw eight Canadians killed and the government spending more than a half billion dollars on Cold War-era tanks, I wrote to opposition party leaders uging them to bring in a motion to the House calling for a debate on this mission that is going […]

My letter to Opposition Party Leaders

In light of this week’s events, today I sent a letter to opposition party leaders appealing to them to raise the issue of the Afghanistan mission in Parliament when it resumes next week. Specifically, I am suggesting that the parties devote an opposition day motion to spur such a debate. It is my understanding that […]

God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut

So much bad news about the war today, but it is maybe just as important to mark the passing of a great humanist and peace supporter, novelist Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Vonnegut died today at the age of 84, not from smoking his Paul Malls (or cancer sticks as he would call them), but from the […]