CADSI calls for defence industrial strategy
The Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) released a report last week on the challenges and opportunities facing the Canadian defence industry with respect to military procurement. Canada’s Defence Industry: A Vital Partner Supporting Canada’s Economic and National Interests, commissioned by the federal departments of National Defence, Industry Canada, and Public Works and Government Services Canada, contains the recommendations of CADSI’s member companies as distilled through a series of individual and group consultations.
The report recommends that the Canadian government reduce its military spending and not try to maintain an indigenous arms industry that is of necessity dependent on export sales to often unsavoury customers.
Well, no, it doesn’t say that. It says that Canada should provide more support to its military industry, streamline the procurement process, and buy more stuff from Canadian companies. Surprise!
How much did the government spend to uncover this information?
Photo: Department of National Defence