Visit this page for your dose of election humor in the lead up to the 2015 Canadian Federal election, set for 19 October 2015.
9 September 2015
James Bunting, writing for The Beaverton, skewers Immigration Minister Chris Alexander, after his disgraceful performance on CBC’s Power and Politics where he tried to deflect questions about the slow response of the Harper government to the Syrian refugee crisis by blaming the media. “Chris Alexander goes back in time to deny ancestors entry into Canada” (The, 5 Sept 2015).
For the full article, click on the image below:
26 August 2015
Richard J. Brennan, writing in the Toronto Star, reports from a party source that Conservatives running in the federal election have been advised not to attend all-candidates’ meetings or speak to reporters during the campaign. (“Tory candidates told to avoid debates, media during campaign“, Toronto Star 26 August 2015).
This is an actual article, not a satire. But how can anyone take seriously a party that will not allow its candidates to participate in debates or speak to the media. Perhaps they all should just wear Harper masks and play recorded messages of Harper campaign speeches.
Click on the link below for the full story:
Image credit: Michael de Adder
Scouts Canada kindly reminds everyone that it is voting season, which makes it particularly dangerous for anyone to come near a candidate running for public office. The announcement strongly advises everyone to never approach or feed wild politicians as you may never know when this species might suddenly attack you. (“Scouts cautioned not to feed wild animals hungry for votes,” The Beaverton, 26 August 2015).
Click on the image below to see the full article:
Image credit: The Beaverton
Click here for the link to the original CTV news article, “Scouts Canada probing kids’ appearance at Harper B.C. photo-op“, (CTV News, 21 August 2015).
25 August 2015
In an attempt to sell a salmon conservation plan to British Columbians, the bumbling Conservatives ended up featuring the wrong salmon. The photo was quickly pulled but not before social media satirists had a field day. (“Conservatives use photo of wrong type of salmon in campaign ad,” CBC News, 24 August 2015).
Click on the image below to see the full article:
Image credit: Green Party Canada, Twitter
23 August 2015
For a perhaps grimly hilarious send-up of testimony that Prime Minister Harper’s current Chief of Staff, Ray Novak, did indeed know about the $90,000 payment by former Chief of Staff Nigel Wright to now disgraced Senator Mike Duffy, see “Harper defends current chief of staff stating he’s at least a year away from prosecution”, (James Bunting, The, 22 August 2015).
Click on the image below to see the full article:
Image credit: Greg Perry
21 August 2015
The Lapine, emphasises Stephen Harper’s compulsive need for control of the media in this hilarious piece of weekend humour .(“Harper Children Must Appear in All News Photos of PM Canadian Media Told”, The Lapine, 20 August 2015)
Click on the image below to see the full article:
19 August 2015
The Beaverton suggests a perfect follow up to an unbelievable but true meltdown by a Harper supporter yesterday (“Stephen Harper offers cursing supporter Senate appointment”, The Beaverton, 18 August 2015).
To view the original article on which this satire is based, click: “Stephen Harper supporter hurls profanity at journalists over Duffy questions” (, 18 August, 2015).
14 August 2015
Time for some hilarious election humour that is NOT about Mike Duffy. Tickle your funny bone with a new article by The Lapine, entitled “RCMP Bodyguards ‘Briefly Detain’ Possible NDP Supporter at Harper Appearance” (The Lapine, 14 August 2015).
Click HERE for full article.
12 August 2015
In this hilarious campaign video, Independent candidate Wyatt Scott hopes to win the hearts of the constituents of Mission Matsqui-Fraser Canyon. (“The most awesomest campaign campaign ad yet’, iPolitics, 11 August 2015)
Click on the image below to see the video:
Image credit: Shaw Media
10 August 2015
John Wimberly, writing for The Lapine, describes to us why Harper decided to designate voting stations as terrorist hot spots. (“Harper declares hundreds of voting stations potential ‘terrorist hot-spots,’ The Lapine, 10 August 2015)
Click on the image below for the full article:
Image credit: The Lapine
7 August 2015
The Tyee, presents a series of awards to the Canadian Federal leaders following the debates. (“Everyone’s a Winner with Tyee’s Election Debate Awards”, The Tyee, 7 August, 2015)
Click on the image below for the full article:
Image credit: The Tyee
James Bunting, writing for The Beaverton, provides us with some tongue-in-cheek humour regarding Stephen Harper’s claims of an economy that is doing well and a “balanced budget”. (‘Harper calls economy a liar during debate’, The Beaverton, 6 August 2015)
Click on the image below for the full article:
Image credit: David Simonds
In this humorous depiction of the federal leaders’ debate, Lauren Strapagiel from Buzzfeed, highlights the things we may have missed. (’12 Invisible Things You May Have Missed At The Leaders Debate’, Buzzfeed, 6 August 2015)
Click on the image below for the full article:
5 August 2015
Paul McLeod, writing for Buzzfeed, provides us with some mid-week humor following Stephen Harper’s persistence in referring to the Liberal leader by his first name. (‘The First Controversy of the Canadian Election Campaign Is Over Justin Trudeau’s First Name‘, Buzzfeed, 4 August 2015)
Click on the image below for the full article: