Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan – Ninth Quarterly Report
The Government of Canada’s Ninth Quarterly Report on Canadian engagement in Afghanistan, covering the period from 1 April to 30 June 2010, was released on 22 September.
The report frankly acknowledges that the “quarter was marked by a deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, with increasing insurgent violence and intimidation targeting civilians, the assassination of several officials from Afghan government institutions and civil society, and an early escalation of the fighting season.”
It does its best to be upbeat, however, noting that an additional two of Canada’s targets for 2011 were achieved during the reporting period: the demining of at least 500 square kilometres of land (a total of 574 square kilometres have now been demined) and the completion of two infrastructure projects at the Sarpoza Prison. Canada also refurbished three schools, with another 24 in construction, adding to the 16 already built, and provided polio vaccinations for more than 390,000 children in the Kandahar region.
To read the full report, click here.