Ceasefire.ca calls for release of KPMG report on the F-35
Dear Ceasefire.ca supporter,
I spent this morning on Parliament Hill. Stephen Harper’s government is in an absolute turmoil over the F-35 stealth fighters.
The Globe and Mail headline is “Ottawa scraps plan for F-35 jet,” while the National Post reads, “F-35 Dead in the Air.” Despite the headlines, which were spurred by an unnamed government source, the Harper government says nothing has changed. What is the truth?
Our Ceasefire.ca team responded quickly to the news reports, and we held a press conference on Parliament Hill.
Watch the video of our press conference: http://youtu.be/2ihlm_tAtRQ.
As you know, my commitment to you is to act as a voice for peace in Ottawa, and to confront Stephen Harper’s pro-war plans at every turn. So that’s what we tried to do.
You see, I am very concerned that this coverage is a smoke screen to hide the fact that Harper is sitting on another bombshell report, showing the costs of his F-35 stealth fighter scheme approaching $40 billion (by comparison, in April, the Auditor General estimated $25 billion, and in March the PBO said $30 billion).
We demanded that the Harper government release the latest F-35 report, which was written by financial firm KMPG. There is only one week left before MPs take their holiday break. I bet Harper is counting the days.
We also explained to reporters that the F-35is an offensive weapon system, to be used for “shock-and-awe” bombing missions. Canada has no need for it!
Today has been a very important day in our campaign. There’s no doubt that the Harper government is feeling the heat, but we need to keep up the pressure to stop the F-35 stealth fighters.
Thanks for your ongoing support, and everything you do for peace.
In peace,
Steven Staples