How to spend the defence budget

This word cloud was created on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (April 15, 2013), by supporters. Nearly 400 ideas were given of how Canada could better spend the money wasted on weapons and war.

While the Global Day of Action on Military Spending is over until next year, we continue to push for military spending to be used for human needs such as education, health care, environmental programs, and international aid. Please like and share this image on Facebook, and demand that we stop wasting money on war and fund human needs. Let’s spread the word and keep the momentum going until the next Global Day of Action on Military Spending!

Tags: Armed drones, Arms industry, Attack Drones, Canada, Canadian defence policy, Canadian Forces, Canadian foreign policy, Canadian military spending,, Defence spending, Department of National Defence, Drones, F-35, GDAMS, GDAMS 2013, Global Day of Action on Military Spending, Human rights, Joint Strike Fighter, Military procurement, Military spending