Please renew your support for 2012!

If you would gladly give $7 each month to stop Harper’s stealth fighters, click here.

Dear supporter,

On Monday I asked for your ideas – and by Thursday we had Harper’s F-35 minister ranting against us in Parliament!

Backed into a corner on the failures of the F-35 by the NDP, Harper’s Associate Defence Minister Julian Fantino lashed out – saying that my testimony before the Defence Committee was biased and that his government’s support of the F-35 stealth fighter was “holy and decent.”

Holy and decent? When Harper’s minister said that, the other MPs burst into shouts of laughter. What nonsense!

You can count on us to stop Harper – I hope we can count on you! That’s why I’m writing today to ask you to renew your support for 2012.

Will you join our Peacekeepers Monthly Donor Club and give a generous donation of $12, $9, or even $7 each month to stop Harper?

As a gift, each new monthly donor will receive a free copy of the late Jack Layton’s book, Speaking Out Louder: Ideas That Work for Canadians (a $30 value).

We are working full out to confront Harper’s pro-war agenda at every turn.

Last week, I was overwhelmed when supporters like you contributed more than 400 excellent ideas for my presentation to MPs at the Standing Committee on National Defence.

But we didn’t stop there. We also hosted a full press conference right inside the Parliament Buildings to release a damning study of the F-35 by Michael Byers and his colleague Stewart Webb.

And there is more to come. Already we are putting plans in place to challenge Harper and his military and national security agenda:

  • Next month we’re organizing our largest ever “Be Heard on March 3rd” annual day of action, calling on tens of thousands of people to refuse to pay taxes for war and the F-35 stealth fighter.
  • We are continuing our work to oppose Harper’s plan to build a “Fortress North America” with deeper integration with the Pentagon and uncontrolled sharing of our personal information.
  • In the fall we plan to bring experts and guests together to talk about the Arctic, and how to avoid a nuclear and military arms race in this delicate, environmentally sensitive region.
  • And we’re hosting an expert on Lockheed Martin to tell MPs and journalists how Lockheed Martin drains public coffers of funds for weapons.

Unlike Stephen Harper’s friends, our organization does not receive government or military funding.

So, without your support, this work will not happen. Stephen Harper, Sun TV, and the pro-war generals will win again. Instead, let’s send them a message!

It’s time to stop wasting more than $21 billion every year on the military machine, while our health care is in jeopardy, pensions are being slashed, and there is such poverty and hunger in Canada.

Let’s say, together, we’ll pay “No More Taxes for War!” Let’s use our precious public dollars for peace and human needs.

Please join our Peacekeepers Monthly Donor program.

We need to raise $15,000 before our big day of action on March 3rd, 2012. Can I count on your support, once again?

Thanks so much for your work for peace.

Steven Staples

Steven Staples,

P.S. Please renew your support for 2012 and become a “Peacekeeper” when you join our monthly donor program. Your renewed support to before March 3, 2012, is vital. We will also send you a free copy of Jack Layton’s book, Speaking Out Louder: Ideas That Work for Canadians.


Option 1. Here is my monthly gift of

[  ] $12 [  ] $9 [  ] $7 [ ] My Choice $__________

New monthly donors will receive a free copy of the revised edition of Speaking Out Louder: Ideas that Work for Canadians by Jack Layton (a $30 value). Offer good until April 30, 2012.

Option 2. Here is my one-time gift of

[  ] $65 [ ] $45 [  ] $25 [  ] My Choice $__________




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Thank you! is a project of The Rideau Institute, a public interest research organization, federally incorporated as a not-for-profit organization with Industry Canada under the Canada Corporations Act. Unfortunately, because of our advocacy work for peace, donations to are not tax deductible.


Tags:, F-35, Jack Layton