The program to replace Canada’s 50-year-old CH-124 Sea King helicopters, which has been called the “worst procurement in the history of Canada”, is now facing new problems.
More trouble in Cyclone helicopter buy

The program to replace Canada’s 50-year-old CH-124 Sea King helicopters, which has been called the “worst procurement in the history of Canada”, is now facing new problems.
A new report released by the Rideau Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives calls on the Canadian government to fix the long-running maritime helicopter procurement fiasco.
The project to replace the Navy’s Sea King helicopters with the Sikorsky Cyclone has been incredibly long and expensive. And it’s not over yet.
More details have emerged about the controversial Maritime Helicopter Program, which looks more and more like a money pit.
Auditor-General Sheila Fraser’s latest report describes the acquisition of Cyclone and Chinook helicopters as “troubling”, and details how government agencies presented the purchases as simple and low risk while continuously lowballing estimated costs in order have them approved. This resulted in seven- and five-year-long delays, respectively, and huge price increases — of approximately 80% in […]