Today we examine why a foreign influence transparency registry will be much more likely to stifle legitimate political debate than to curtail harmful foreign state interference in Canada.
Foreign Influence Registry is a danger to Canadian democracy

Today we examine why a foreign influence transparency registry will be much more likely to stifle legitimate political debate than to curtail harmful foreign state interference in Canada.
Today we look at some very sensible independent thinking by New Zealand, consider some surprising information about China and economic reforms, update the Afghanistan situation and lament slow progress in ditching outmoded military mindsets.
The lack of urgency with which Canadian intelligence agencies apparently handled pandemic warning information raises fundamental questions about their mindset when it comes to human security threats. The Harper era damage continues.
Australia is a cautionary tale, not a country to be emulated, when it comes to balancing national security and human rights. Canada must play for time so as to chart its own course on Huawei and our broader relations with China going forward.