In today’s blog we look at how indiscriminate hyping of the “China threat” against the backdrop of state espionage by friend and adversary alike is distorting our policy choices and increasing cyber insecurity for all. We also update our ongoing examination of economic sanctions and more.
Tag Archives: Iran
Iran and “medical terrorism” in the time of pandemic
Canada should add its diplomatic voice to those already urging the USA to lift its sanctions on Iran for the duration of the pandemic and join with others in providing direct humanitarian assistance.
Afghanistan, Canada and the ICC; Iran, Sanctions and International Women’s Day
In light of the new ICC Afghanistan investigation, Prime Minister Trudeau should launch a long-overdue public inquiry into Canada’s policies and practices relating to the transfer of hundreds of detainees to Afghan authorities during Canada’s military mission in that country.
Updates on Canada’s NPT preparations, the Lima Group, Iran and U.S. sanctions
We call on Canada to demonstrate “strict adherence to the rule of law and respect for human rights” by taking an unequivocal stand against the illegal sanctioning of humanitarian goods.
Canada and the rest of NATO should stay out of Trump’s rogue Iranian affair
Canada said no to rogue American behaviour in Iraq in 2003. We should do the same regarding Iran in 2020.
Are we going down with Trump or will we finally take a stand?
Trump’s reckless behaviour puts the world at needless risk. It is also the single biggest obstacle to marshalling a truly global response to the twin existential threats of climate catastrophe and the devastation of nature.