Today we examine some really good news on U.S. space policy, consider a key attitudinal shift needed in Canada’s spy agency and more.
Tag Archives: Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
North Korea, Iran nuclear deal and AUKUS nuclear sub updates
How Canada can help South Korea promote security-building dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea; U.S. backsliding in the Iran nuclear talks; and the latest headaches over the AUKUS nuclear sub deal are today’s blog focus.
Increasing nuclear stability is an urgent priority
Today’s blog features an innovative China-USA research partnership on cyber stability, internal dissension in the Biden administration over the Iran nuclear deal, and a great new poll on what Canadians think of nuclear disarmament (they want it).
UN Human Security Agenda offers the world a way forward
In this Good Friday blog, we feature some good news on conflict resolution, renewed hope on the Iran nuclear deal, and a closer look at a wonderful little book on how to advance an international peace and security agenda based on cooperation and meeting basic human needs.
Ending (some) war crimes impunity, breaking Iran-US stalemate, Int’l Women’s Day and more
Today’s blog examines the international reaction to the ICC investigation of war crimes in Palestine; considers ways to end the dangerous diplomatic impasse in efforts to reinstate the Iran nuclear deal, digs into new Biden administration guidance on arms control and strategic stability and outlines some of the many ways to celebrate International Women’s Day […]
Latest on Iran nuclear deal, turmoil in Belarus, nuclear testing and O’Toole plans to gut gun control
Today’s blog highlights failing efforts of the Trump administration to kill off the Iran nuclear deal once and for all, measures to respond to Belarus unrest without inflaming East-West tensions and the new Conservative leader’s retrograde plan to take Canadian gun control back to the days before the Montreal massacre.