In honour of UN Day on October 24th, we recall the enduring values of the UN Charter, take stock of progress toward peace in Libya, applaud Biden proposals to lower nuclear risks and challenge Canada to turn from laggard to leader in managing arms exports responsibly.
Tag Archives: Nuclear Ban Treaty
It’s time to end militarism and “forever” wars
We are in pre-election planning mode. Join us in our urgent effort to energize and mobilize progressives in all the federal parties to develop strong, innovative peacebuilding platforms.
The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons?
While the nuclear weapons states continue their build-up, most of the rest of the world is preparing the way for nuclear disarmament.
Canadian Hiroshima survivor to jointly accept ICAN Nobel Peace Prize
Canada refuses to sign Nuclear Ban Treaty or even to congratulate ICAN and Canadian Hiroshima survivor who will accept the Nobel Peace Prize.
ICAN wins 2017 Nobel Peace Prize
Awarding the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize to civil society organization ICAN sends a powerful message on what can be achieved when governments, civil society, and international organizations collaborate.
Civil society conference offers practical way forward on nuclear disarmament
Civil society conference proposes meaningful steps for Canada toward global nuclear disarmament.