It is urgent that we find out exactly why Canada is failing to strictly adhere to national and international obligations in relation to war crimes.
Why is Canada failing when it comes to the laws of war?

It is urgent that we find out exactly why Canada is failing to strictly adhere to national and international obligations in relation to war crimes.
The federal budget tabled this week continues the pre-pandemic pattern of defence spending increases, which will do nothing to address the existential threats of climate catastrophe, the destruction of nature and nuclear armageddon.
It’s time for Canada to make good on its UN peacekeeping promises with new military and civilian contributions to the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali.
The decision to suspend the Kurdish training and assistance mission underscores the need for a broader Canadian plan going forward.
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and Rideau Institute President Peggy Mason on Countering ISIS
In a succinct letter, Parliamentary Budget Officer Jean-Denis Fréchette took aim at the deputy defence minister, Richard Fadden, for saying the military’s cost estimate for the six-month airstrike is a cabinet confidence.