How should the world respond to the unfolding events in Syria? What can Canada do? Add your comments!
What should be done about the Syrian civil war?

How should the world respond to the unfolding events in Syria? What can Canada do? Add your comments!
What started as a series of peaceful protests inspired by the “Arab Spring” democracy movement has gradually become a violent civil war between the brutal secular regime of Bashar al-Assad and a fragmented and increasingly radicalized opposition. And Canada could get involved.
With the notable and limited exception of the proposed F-35 purchase, the issues of war and peace have been almost entirely absent from the current federal election campaign, even though the country is now involved in two on-going wars. The major parties have all published election platform documents, however, and these policy statements do occasionally […]
The Canadian government has sent six CF-18 fighters to take part in the Libya mission authorized by the UN Security Council on Thursday (Steven Chase, “Canada commits six fighter jets to help enforce Libyan no-fly zone,” Globe and Mail, 17 March 2011): The UN Security Council voted Thursday to impose a no-fly zone over Libya […]