To help prepare the way for an urgently-needed fundamental reimagining of Canada’s role in building a genuinely global security architecture, our government needs to begin all-party and civil society ‘virtual’ consultations on the establishment of a Canadian International Centre for Peace, Order and Good Government.
Tag Archives: sustainable peace and common security
UN 911 first-responder system is overdue
If Canada is to win a UN Security Council seat over UN stalwarts, Norway and Ireland, then we need to think big. Now is the time for Canada to throw its weight squarely behind a UN Emergency Peace Service (UNEPS).
A United Nations Emergency Peace Service (UNEPS) is long overdue
We call on Prime Minister Trudeau to demonstrate his commitment to strengthening the UN’s conflict prevention and crisis response capacity by supporting and advocating for a United Nations Emergency Peace Service (UNEPS).
Pugwash 60th Anniversary Conference
60th Anniversary Pugwash Conference identifies key elements for promoting nuclear disarmament and building sustainable peace and common security.