That Sinking Feeling: A new report by the Rideau Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives raises questions about the future of Canada’s submarine program.
Future of Canada’s subs in doubt

That Sinking Feeling: A new report by the Rideau Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives raises questions about the future of Canada’s submarine program.
That Sinking Feeling: A new report by the Rideau Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives raises questions about the future of Canada’s submarine program.
The navy wants brand new submarines.
A British MP who raised concerns about the sale of dud British subs to Canada back in 1998 has a simple suggestion — see if you can return them to Britain.
A British MP who raised concerns about the sale of dud British subs to Canada back in 1998 has a simple suggestion — see if you can return them to Britain.
Steven Staples, Ken Hansen, and Rob Huebert discuss the future of submarines in the Canadian navy on CBC’s Radio’s the current.