Thank you for saying "No War on Syria!"
Thank you to everyone who submitted letters to the editor to newspapers across Canada calling for no war on Syria.
Joan Hicks, “Assist, don’t attack,” Halifax Chronicle Herald, 10 September 2013
I am very fearful that Prime Minister Stephen Harper will involve Canada in a U.S. military assault on Assad that will kill innocent Syrians and their families.
Violence only begets violence. As a country, we need to show leadership as peacekeepers. Let’s increase our humanitarian assistance to the region, help reunite Syrian-Canadians with their families, increase our diplomatic efforts to help find political solutions, but let’s not use violence
Speaking to the Hill Times on Sept. 9, Senator Romeo Dallaire said that “supporting your ally is positive,” but the question needs to be asked: Is a military strike the right solution? “I don’t believe so. I do not believe that conducting offensive operations against the Assad regime is the answer,” he said.
Karen Smith, “No to war,” Calgary Herald, 11 September 2013
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jody Williams said on CBC Radio One: “The issue of the use of chemical weapons is certainly serious, but it should be sent to the (International) Criminal Court so that there is a supporting of the underpinnings of international law.”
And Pope Francis told a crowd of thousands at the Vatican: “I ask the Lord that we Christians, and our brothers and sisters of other religions and every man and woman of good will, cry out forcefully: Violence and war are never the way to peace!” Here are some things that Canada could do: Offer increased humanitarian assistance to the region; help to reunite Syrian-Canadians with their families; work to use this time to intensify diplomatic efforts, pressuring Assad’s ally Russia for a ceasefire.
Naomi Rankin, “Do Not Attack Syria,” Edmonton Journal, 11 September 2013
Re: “G20 leaders divided on response to Syria crisis; Canada backs possible U.S.-led military strike,” the Journal, Sept. 7.
The clamour for war on Syria is getting louder and the pressure to drag Canada in is growing. But war can only worsen the lives and political conditions for the people we long to help.
What have attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq accomplished? They’ve destroyed water treatment plants, hospitals and other infrastructure, leading to the deaths of civilians after the attacks were over. They have strengthened hatred and increased the influence of anti-democratic forces.
This is not the kind of outcome for which we should pay with the lives of Canadian soldiers.
Canada can do many things to protect Syrian civilians: increase aid, open our doors to refugees and back Russia’s initiative to have Syria’s chemical arsenal put under international control. Let’s ensure our government sends real help, not more suffering and death.
Photo credit: Syrian Frames of Freedom