Thousands of Canadians ‘remembered for peace’ on November 11

Thank you for supporting our I remember for peace campaign! We reached many people across Canada this year, spreading the message that Remembrance Day should be less about war and more about peace.

Over 2,000 people counted themselves as someone who would remember for peace. You can still sign on here.

Hundreds of supporters were sporting “I Remember for Peace” stickers on Remembrance Day this year. You can see photos of some of our supporters wearing their stickers in the slideshow below.

Many of you also shared your views, answering the question “is Remembrance Day too much about war and not enough about peace?” in our comments section. A number of these comments were posted to our Facebook and Twitter, and were liked, shared and retweeted by a number of our friends on social media.

Also, with the help of Abacus Data, we released a poll on youth and Remembrance Day, finding that if Remembrance Day ceremonies were less about military achievements and more about peace, young people may be more likely to attend.

Stories about the poll were published by the Vancouver Sun, the Calgary Herald, the Ottawa Citizen, and the Edmonton Journal, reaching a joint circulation of over 346,000 people.

Thanks to your support and participation, our I Remember for Peace campaign continues to grow. We look forward to working throughout the year to continue to push back on Harper’s agenda of militarization and to kick off the campaign again in 2013—to reach more Canadians, and to tell Harper that Remembrance Day is about peace.

Photo credit: Bruce Guenter.


Tags: I remember for peace, Remembrance Day