Canadian lawyers, academics call for nuclear disarmament
Two recent statements organized by the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons:
Legal Experts and Lawyers Call for Abolition
We… call on the Government of Canada:
1) to find early and prominent opportunities to publicly reaffirm Canada’s commitment to a world without nuclear weapons;2) to encourage a new NATO Strategic Concept that commits NATO to policies that both conform to Articles I and II of the NPT and are designed to achieve the nuclear disarmament promised in Article VI;
3) to forge a consensus within NATO to phase out any role for nuclear weapons in its policies;
4) to encourage states at the NPT Review Conference to commit to preparatory work on a Nuclear Weapons Convention, or framework of instruments, for sustainable, verifiable, and enforceable global elimination of nuclear weapons.
We call for the following steps to be taken toward nuclear disarmament:
1) That the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister find early and prominent opportunities to publicly addresss nuclear disarmament and reaffirm Canada’s commitment to a world without nuclear weapons.
2) That the Canadian Government, as a NATO ally, publicly indicate its support for the removal of all remaining U.S. non-strategic nuclear weapons from European soil. We recommend that Canada encourage the NATO Alliance to take advantage of the present climate of global support for nuclear disarmament to phase out any role for nuclear weapons in NATO’s policies.
3) THAT Canada should compliment the United States and Russia for negotiations toward a START replacement treaty and encourage their commitment at the NPT Review Conference to further US and Russian reductions, and to multilateral reductions leading to the elimination of nuclear weapons.
4) That Canada negotiate with states at the NPT Review Conference for an agreement to commit to preparatory work on a Nuclear Weapons Convention, or framework of instruments, for sustainable, verifiable, and enforceable global elimination of nuclear weapons.