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And how the "peace lobby" responds

In the last post I told you about Jack Granatstein’s defence lobby think tank sending around a poison-pen article about a report written by Bill Robinson and me for the CCPA on Canada’s military spending. Granatstin’s article elicited a flood of letters in response after it was published in the Edmonton Journal. The paper devoted space to five letters […]

How the defence lobby operates

Even wonder how the defence lobby is able to get so many articles in the newspapers? Well let me show you… Here is a copy of an email sent out to newspapers, journalists, and others from a conservative, pro-military think tank run out of the University of Calgary called the Canadian Council for Security in […]

Urge Canada to Vote YES for Nuclear Disarmament at the UN

Urge Canada to vote “YES” for nuclear disarmament at the UN October 30, 2007 Dear Supporter, Send your letter to urge Canada to vote “YES” for nuclear disrmament. There is an important meeting taking place right now at the United Nations to discuss nuclear disarmament, with voting on key resolutions scheduled to happen this […]

What is the cost of the war in Afghanistan?

What is the cost of the war in Afghanistan? $100 million every month. October 24, 2007 Dear Friend, The war in Afghanistan has cost Canada dearly in lives and money. The deaths of 71 soldiers and a diplomat are, sadly, well known. The financial costs are less well known. On Monday a report which Bill Robinson […]

Throne Speech Threatens to Extend the War

Send your letter to Stephen Harper, Opposition Party leaders, and your local MP October 17, 2007 Dear friend, Yesterday’s Throne Speech poses a direct challenge to you and me, and everyone who wants to end Canada’s war in Afghanistan. Stephen Harper’s plan to continue Canada’s combat role has become crystal clear. He is trying to […]