Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and Rideau Institute President Peggy Mason on Countering ISIS
Tag Archives: Air strikes
The Liberal government must end the airstrikes now!
Canada should instead throw its support wholeheartedly behind UN-facilitated peace negotiations and participate actively in the Vienna process of the Syrian Support Group.
Blowback: Iraq war to Islamic state
Since mid-May of 2015 has been calling for all federal party leaders to commit to a full public defence and security policy review. Of particular importance will be a reassessment of the disastrous and utterly counterproductive “war on terror” launched by then President George W. Bush in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Yet […]
Steven Staples discusses civilian deaths from US air strike on CTV News Channel
Will Canada Join the Drone War in Pakistan?
Speculation as to what Canada’s role in Afghanistan will be beyond 2001 has been stirred up amid recent reports that Obama Democrats are quietly lobbying the Tory government to keep troops in Kandahar province after 2011. Steven Staples says that Although the role of Canadian ground troops in Afghanistan may diminish, the Canadian Air Force […]
Afghan mission may extend past 2011, defence minister says
Is the government preparing for a surge of Canadian troops in Afghanistan, and to extend the mission again? This reports suggests that the government is making plans to send up to 800 more troops to Afghanistan. Canada already has about 2750 troops there, the highest number since the invasion in 2001. Afghan mission may extend […]