Blowback: Iraq war to Islamic state
Since mid-May of 2015 has been calling for all federal party leaders to commit to a full public defence and security policy review. Of particular importance will be a reassessment of the disastrous and utterly counterproductive “war on terror” launched by then President George W. Bush in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Yet as we approach the second decade of war there is precious little evidence of a rethinking of policies.
There is no more trenchant critic of this misguided approach than Paul Rogers, OpenDemocracy’s international security editor. In his latest article in a long series on this topic entitled “Blowback: Iraq war to Islamic State”(, 13 August 2015), Rogers argues that:
A direct line connects the United States-led campaign against Iraqi insurgents in 2004-07 and the war being fought today.
Read the full article here: “Blowback: Iraq war to Islamic State” (, 13 August 2015)
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