Conservative government policies have knocked back Canadian science at the time when we need it most.
Tag Archives: canadian election
Defence Military Procurement: What’s your policy?
Marie-Danielle Smith, writing for Embassy News, discusses the lack of attention given to the issue of defence procurement in the Canadian election thus far. (“Defence procurement an elephant in the war room”, Embassy News, 26 August 2015). Though it may seem to have been ignored up to now, it won’t be long before it gets […]
Update: Canada Election Watch 2015
As the election campaign begins, keep informed by visiting out Election Watch page regularly for the latest updates.
Update: Canada Election Watch 2015
The election hasn’t even been called, but we’ve got plenty of resources to help you in the lead up to the Canadian election 2015! Click here to access our new Canada Election Watch 2015 series, which you can access daily for up-to-date tools, resources and news. See image below, for an excerpt of our Election […]