Culture, science and public diplomacy are potent tools to advance an innovative Canadian foreign policy focused on collaboration and problem solving. But we have a lot of rebuilding to do after the lost decade under Stephen Harper.
Tag Archives: Stephen Harper
Omar Khadr settlement a victory for the rule of law
Omar Khadr was a child soldier illegally interrogated by Canadian agents while detained and tortured by a foreign power.
Help us limit Trump’s damage to Canada and the world
This is an urgent letter alerting you to extremely alarming developments in Ottawa since the election of President Donald Trump.
Liberals reject increased scrutiny of arms trade
Many western democracies have parliamentary oversight of arms exports but not Canada.
Trudeau government: Room for improvement on key security issues evaluation of government performance gives failing grade on arms trade transparency, NATO sabre rattling and missed opportunity on UN peacekeeping.
Canada shirks its responsibilities under international law
In a deeply disappointing response, the Canadian government has shirked its duties under international law and rejected the call for a Public Inquiry into the treatment of Afghan detainees.