Winslow Wheeler on the F-35: News coverage
Winslow Wheeler’s briefings on the planned F-35 purchase (sponsored by the Rideau Institute) led to an additional round of Canada-wide coverage of the controversial purchase, which is becoming one of the hot-button issues of the current election campaign.
Key media coverage included:
Meagan Fitzpatrick, “Ottawa’s F-35 jet cost figures way off: U.S. analyst,” CBC News, 5 April 2011
Campbell Clark, “Ottawa’s fighter-jet estimate ‘all hogwash,’ U.S. watchdog warns,” Globe and Mail, 5 April 2011
Mike Blanchfield, “Expert: Jet program cost will double,” Canadian Press, 6 April 2011
Greg Markey, “U.S. expert says F-35 purchase is wrong deal for Canada,” Postmedia News, 5 April 2011