Largest pro-vet demo since WWI planned
Veterans, their families, and supportive Canadians from across the country are organizing a major demonstration on Parliament Hill beginning June 4th, 2014. “Rock the Hill 2014” is being billed as Canada’s largest demonstration in support of veterans since the First World War.
“Unlike the politically scripted photo ops of military members and veterans which have inundated Canada’s media these past eight years, ‘Rock the Hill’ is a truly grassroots apolitical initiative bringing Canadians together with veterans and their families,” according to the organizers’ news release.
“At the steps of Canada’s seat of democracy, Canadians will join together with those who sacrificed to preserve our most sacred democratic institution. Their goal is to change the path of Canada’s abandonment of her veterans from despair to hope. Our Canadian Forces veterans including those who served in Afghanistan, Canada’s longest war, deserve more than two minutes of silence and a photo op.”
Outraged by systemic neglect, budget cutbacks, and the “total breach of trust this government has shown,” Canada’s veterans aim to “enlighten the public on the amount of misinformation that this government is putting out with documented proof,” say the organizers.
They also intend to show the government they “are no longer going to just stand by and take the continued mistreatment of [their] rights.”
“‘Rock the Hill’ kicks off with a motorcycle ride in front of Parliament on June 4th (2:00pm) followed by a march past of veterans (2:15pm). Keynote speakers consist of a who’s who of Canada’s most prominent modern veterans’ advocates including Ronald Clarke, Mike Blais, Pat Stogran, David Macleod, The Equitas Society and Sean Bruyea. There will be two veterans’ spouses speaking to the issues the families face. Events will continue to June 7th or longer.”
“Rock the Hill” is asking Canadians to offer their support in numerous ways:
1) If you are in the Ottawa area from June 4 to 7th,… get to know your Canadian veterans, share some good times and hear their stories
2) If you are a veteran, come support other veterans and share your stories
3) If you can’t come out, please consider donating to the cause. Any surplus funds will be donated to a yet to be determined charity providing direct assistance to veterans and their families.
4) If you are a music creator or family friend of rock and roll, please contact the organizers
Photo credit: DND