Canada should instead throw its support wholeheartedly behind UN-facilitated peace negotiations and participate actively in the Vienna process of the Syrian Support Group.
The Liberal government must end the airstrikes now!

Canada should instead throw its support wholeheartedly behind UN-facilitated peace negotiations and participate actively in the Vienna process of the Syrian Support Group.
Peggy Mason reviews some of favourite posts from 2015.
Tim Naumetz of The Hill Times informs us that a majority of Canadians oppose the expansion of Canadian combat operations into Syria.
Dogged by controversy, criticism, and endless setbacks in its effort to buy new fighter aircraft, the Harper government is reportedly hitting the pause button on the process while it ponders whether to proceed with the purchase of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II without holding a competition.
Veterans, their families, and supportive Canadians from across the country are organizing a major demonstration on Parliament Hill beginning June 4th, 2014. “Rock the Hill 2014” is being billed as Canada’s largest demonstration in support of veterans since the First World War.
The Conservative government may be quietly revisiting a decade-old decision not to join the U.S. ballistic missile defence (BMD) program.