My Letter to CP's Rob Russo and Murray Brewster – Don't take the Ross Munro Media Award
Canadian Press defence reporter Murray Brewster, Scott Taylor, editor of Esprit de Corp Magazine, and Graeme Smith, Globe and Mail
From: Steven Staples
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 4:34 PM
To: ‘‘
Cc: ‘‘
Subject: CDA award
Hi Rob and Murray,
Just a note from me to urge you to reconsider accepting the Conference of Defence Association’s media award.
As you know, this is a controversial prize. The award is sponsored by groups with close links to the defence industry and DND. As well, their leaderships’ active undermining of any critics of the prevailing views at DND establishes that their values are inconsistent with the values of a newsgathering and reporting organization like yours.
I probably don’t need to remind you of the comment by the CDA’s head, John Scott Cowan, in a major speech where he said that “”[The] media give new depth to the word ‘shallow.'” He went on to disparage the public and journalists who quote citizens on matters of national security. I am also attaching the CDA’s 5-year funding agreement with DND, which requires them to win media hits as a condition of their funding, ironically.
I remain an admirer of your work, but strongly disagree with your acceptance of this award. I hope you will reconsider.
Steve Staples