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Tag Archives: Ross Munro Media Award
Spin Watch: Journalists and "war reporting" awards from the defence lobby
As I read Mr. Brewster’s war stories I can’t forget the fact that in 2010 he accepted an award from a military advocacy group funded by the Department of National Defence.
My Letter to CP's Rob Russo and Murray Brewster – Don't take the Ross Munro Media Award
Just a note from me to urge you to reconsider accepting the CDA’s media award. As you know, this is a controversial prize. The award is sponsored by groups with close links to the defence industry and DND.
CDA and Matthew Fisher rush to military's defence
Press Freedom Day arrived this week (May 3), and it came just as a storm is brewing about new restrictions that the military is putting on journalists trying to report on the war in Afghanistan. Last week, Canadian Press reporter Murray Brewster wrote a story about security changes at the Kandahar Airfield that are dramatically […]
Grannies Tackle Conference of Defence Associations' Media Award
The last thing anyone wants to happen to themselves is to become the focus of a demonstration by the indomitable Raging Grannies. On Friday, November 15, the Ottawa Raging Grannies took to the streets at an Ottawa gala event to raise awareness about the links between the military-funded group, the Conference of Defence Associations, and the media. […]
Le Devoir reporter pockets $2500 defence lobby prize
This week Le Devoir’s military affairs reporter, Alec Castonguay, was announced as the recipient of the Conference of Defence Associations’ Ross Munro Media Award. Mr. Castonguay will receive the award, including a $2500 cash prize, at a ceremony in November. Why is such a well respected newspaper like Le Devoir willing to permit a reporter accept […]