In the last post I told you about Jack Granatstein’s defence lobby think tank sending around a poison-pen article about a report written by Bill Robinson and me for the CCPA on Canada’s military spending. Granatstin’s article elicited a flood of letters in response after it was published in the Edmonton Journal. The paper devoted space to five letters […]
Search results: military budget
How the defence lobby operates
Even wonder how the defence lobby is able to get so many articles in the newspapers? Well let me show you… Here is a copy of an email sent out to newspapers, journalists, and others from a conservative, pro-military think tank run out of the University of Calgary called the Canadian Council for Security in […]
What is the cost of the war in Afghanistan?
What is the cost of the war in Afghanistan? $100 million every month. October 24, 2007 Dear Friend, The war in Afghanistan has cost Canada dearly in lives and money. The deaths of 71 soldiers and a diplomat are, sadly, well known. The financial costs are less well known. On Monday a report which Bill Robinson […]
Your help is needed! the pro-war lobby is targetting us
A Canadian battle tank in Afghanistan. Supporting the US-led War on Terror has undermined our peacekeeping reputation in the eyes of Afghanis and the world. (DND photo) Dear supporter Canadians have a great reputation as peacekeepers around the world, but that role is under attack. And I am very concerned that combat operations instead of […]